Monday, November 30, 2009

"Connie" ~ watercolor figure by Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

15" x 22" Watercolor and Acrylic with Collage

I took a photograph of one of my Canvas by Canvas "sisters" at a bridal shower this summer and I have been wanting to paint it since. Several days ago I got out my Carla O'Connor Daniel Smith Gold Gesso (I love this stuff) and looked over my Liz Hill notes and got to work and finished the painting today. Liz likes to draw in charcoal and that's what I did first before I used watercolor for the features. I did not spray it and Liz says use a light hand and it won't smear. I used some stamping and some collage papers that I'd printed. I usually like to give my ladies red hair but Connie is a blond so I opted for some lavender tones and exaggerated the amount of hair and the color.

You will probably be seeing more paintings of Connie and Maryann, another "sister", as we had a model/photo session yesterday and played dress up and tried to pose like a "real" model. We had hats, long black gloves, scarves, strapless stuff, long skirts and head wraps. We laughed so hard it's a wonder our chair didn't fall off our prop stage, but the model fee was modest. At age 74 just how serious can it be if you're in your San Miguel ruana and a strapless old KMart top. It just cost Connie and I Maryann's lunch since it was her birthday. The Mexican restaurant even threw in a Happy Birthday serenade and a sopapilla with whipped cream and a cherry.

Wanna have some girl friend fun and it doesn't even have to be your birthday. Get your friends together and have each one bring some outrageous clothes, dress up and take some photos for later paintings. Be sure and include someone in a do-rag. Connie has already named the painting where I was wearing one of Maryann's scarves around my head in a do-rag fashion with my Terminator arms exposed as "Waitin' for Willie". On second thought we may want to hire a model next time.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Jessie" ~ watercolor figure by Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

15" x 22" Watercolor, acrylic, charcoal on paper

In October I took a 3 day figure workshop with Daily Painter, Liz Hill, in Houston. Each morning we had a different model to draw and then we'd paint in the afternoon after the model went home. The models allowed photos to be taken. I've had three more workshops since then and haven't been able to paint and use anything I learned at the figure workshop. So Saturday and Sunday right before the Western Federation November 15 deadline, I finally had an opportunity to paint "Jessie" from one of my photographs. Liz draws from live models about three times a week but at this stage in my figure painting I need a photograph. I really enjoy mixing up the media and combining it with the charcoal. I want to pursue this way of working and schedule another Houston trip for the next Liz Hill workshop. Western Fed is a juried art show and allows 3 entries per person and artists will be notified if they got in after the first of the year.

I'm in the throes of studio cleaning and organization and aren't we always? In the Lana Grow workshop she had 2 of these buckets filled will art supplies and don't we always want what we see another artist use? I know I do so I placed a Cheap Joe's order for the Neatnix Stuff Bucket and it was so much fun to fill. Now to carve out some time to use it after the turkey carving. A Happy Thanksgiving to all of the readers of this blog and carve out some painting time during this holiday season.


Nancy Standlee Art Blog

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sandi D'Alessando Workshop Part 2 ~ Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

"The Dressing Room"
16" x 20"
Acrylic and collage on gessoed foam core

This has been a busy workshop schedule with Liz Hill, Lana Grow, Fealing Lin, and now Sandi D'Alessandro and a daughter's wedding on Saturday, Nov. 7 at a Burleson winery. The wedding was still very much on my mind when we came to the project with the foam core and I remembered the dressing room area with curling irons, girls in stages of dress, and wine and I painted and collaged some of the memories.

Here is a slide show of some of Sandi's work and student's work and the disclaimer. Some of the student's work was very abstract and when you're snapping photos quickly I may not have them turned correctly and some were taken in an overhead mirror and the image may be reversed and I didn't include names of the artists. (Mouse over for captions in the beginning)

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WEB SITE ........Nancy Standlee

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Other blogs where I post:

Daily Painters of Texas

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Daily Painters Marketplace



Monday, November 9, 2009

Sandi D'Alessandro Workshop ~ "Harmony" Acrylic on Yupo Paper by Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

Acrylic on heavy weight full sheet yupo paper, some collage

"Creating the "WOW" in Your Paintings: A Graphic Design Approach to Composition"

This is my today's effort in the Sandi D'Alessandro three day workshop at Artists' Showplace with 24 other artists and I will probably give it a few more "hot licks". I wanted just upper body figures but I think the figure on the right comes off as a full figure with a very large head. For awhile today this person looked like a very disgusted guy saying " I do not want to go to this party dressed as a girl." At the end of the day some of my friends suggested a too high forehead needed a hint of some hair and that helped.
This has been great experimental fun. I didn't have any reference material and was influenced by the painted surface of the yupo and worked intuitively. First we put gloss medium on yupo and painted it with liquid acrylics and scratched and made texture marks. I was so caught up in the process I forgot to take a photo at this point. Sandi said it didn't matter what color we used because we'd probably cover it up anyway and there was not a right or wrong way to do this. Sandi said this is the procedure when you go into the studio and you don't have an idea or know what you want to paint.
We let that dry while we took acid free foam core (I used a 16 x 20 sheet) and trowled on thick white gesso and let dry. Take the dried yupo sheet and begin painting. I turned it all directions to see if any images appeared or ideas. I went with the idea of two figures and began to negative paint around those images and come back and paint positively on the image. The foam core is for the Tuesday's project but to prevent curling I added a light gesso coat on the other side before leaving for the day.

Sandi is a teacher from Hardy, VA. near Roanoke and works with the high school and college, member of N.W.S and A.W.S. and is a very pleasant helpful instructor. Her teaching experience makes her a very good workshop instructor. She also paints on canvas and on board. She provided positive helpful suggestions to each of us when we hit a snag while working on our yupo. It will be fun to see class member's work on Wednesday. I'll make a slide show for you readers.

Please visit my website and comment on my blog.
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BLOG.............Nancy Standlee Art Blog

WEB SITE ........Nancy Standlee

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Other blogs where I post:

Daily Painters of Texas

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Daily Painters Marketplace



Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Watercolor and A Wedding by Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

Watercolor Framed
28" x 20"
My daughter's painting is finally framed. I ordered the frame from Frames by Mail where you get it all, frames, mat, hangers, plexi - everything but the wire and you put it together. All you need is the dimensions for the work to be framed and start doing the math on the site and even I can figure it out so I'm sure you can. The actual framing part goes better if you can get some holding help. But the real reason for the post is her wedding, Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the Lone Oak Winery.

The new family

Daughter and Mom

The Girls

Some of the Standlee crew

Combined Crew
and everyone had been patient for photos but now it was silly face time. The weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day for a wedding or a watercolor.

Friday, November 6, 2009

"Small Gifts" an Acrylic Painting by Texas Daily Artist Nancy Standlee

"Small Gifts"
22" x 30" acrylic on paper

In most of the workshops I take there is a small gift from Cheap Joe's. Sometimes there is a white eraser in a clear plastic bag, a 3B pencil with his name on it, a pencil sharpener, a sponge that when wet swells up to mattress size. I love these freebies and use them and look forward to a Joe surprise. In one of my orders I received a little square coaster that is imprinted with one of Cheap Joe's own watercolor images of a red barn, some sheep and trees. I see that he paints trees better than I do. I've become very attached to this coaster and use it to sit my morning cup of coffee on and sorta freak out if it's not around. That early morning sound of my mug hitting the table is just nicer muffled with one of Joe's coasters.
Someday I'll go to Boone and meet Cheap Joe and tell him how much I enjoy his small gifts and his catalogs and most of all ordering his art supplies. I'll tell him I think he's a very lucky man to be able to sit in all of these Boone workshops with all of the famous teachers. But, Joe, for the rest of us please keep sending us these small gifts. I love surprises.
The above painting was done recently in the Lana Grow workshop in Granbury. See blog post HERE.

Please visit my website and comment on my blog.
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BLOG.............Nancy Standlee Art Blog

WEB SITE ........Nancy Standlee

WEB SITE ........Canvas By Canvas

Other blogs where I post:

Daily Painters of Texas

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Daily Painters Marketplace



Monday, November 2, 2009

Fealing Lin Watercolor Workshop ~ Watercolor Portrait ~ by Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

Self Portrait by Nancy Standlee
11" x 15" watercolor

Fealing Lin, N.W.S., from California was at the Artists' Showplace Gallery for a 5 day watercolor workshop October 26-30, 2009, on landscape painting but we had a delightful one day devoted to portrait painting. I am so glad as I did the above painting on Wednesday and my cityscape and landscape are too pathetic to post and are headed to the turkey pile for a future coat of gesso. Trees are just not my thing and all my buildings lean but I haven't given up. (Fealing has a web site but it is under construction at the present and when it gets online again I'll post the url so you can see her other lovely work.)

Fealing is a traditional watercolorist and she desired for us to have fun and relax and gave us some tools to apply to all mediums, stressing not to paint objects and hold on to the biggest brush as long as possible. She used a 3", 2" and 1 1/2" brush for most of her landscape and cityscape painting. She doesn't always squeeze out fresh paint and her palette was not pristine nor did you find her wiping it out after a few strokes. The choice of a photo is very important and she designs her compositions from several photographs, wanting a strong light and shadow pattern. Black isn't on her palette and she prefers mixing her darks, likes painting on a nearly upright easel and is not narrow minded about her pencil lines. She doesn't paint within the lines but lets the color "invade" other areas and in the beginning stages of a painting she wants her work to look messy.

I met Fealing in Italy at a Ted Nuttall portrait workshop in 2005 and it was a treat to paint with her again and I foolishly thought I'd have at least one great cityscape or landscape but think I'll stick with people for awhile. She uses a separate palette for her portraits and begins with a very light wash of several colors over the entire paper. When I discovered we'd do a portrait, I took the easy way out by painting myself and not alienating friends by taking a timed photo and sent it to Sams to be developed into an 8 x 10 and left off the glasses and some wrinkles. Since I'm in need of cataract surgery soon, maybe I'll be able to throw the glasses away. In any event, anyone will need dark, dark glasses to view my cityscape and landscape. I think Fealing is glad I'm not posting them so they won't be connected in any way with her name.

Slide Show:
Mouse over for captions and some of the photos were quickly taken and were reversed in the overhead mirror. I used F. L. for Fealing Lin and just Class under the student's work instead of giving individual names. The watercolor portrait by Fealing was a start and is not finished and she will email us the completed piece. We were just so very fortunate for her to include a day of portrait painting for us.

Please visit my website and comment on my blog.
Find me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

BLOG.............Nancy Standlee Art Blog

WEB SITE ........Nancy Standlee

WEB SITE ........Canvas By Canvas

Other blogs where I post:

Daily Painters of Texas

Daily Abstract Painters Gallery

Daily Painters Marketplace

