Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dreama Tolle Perry Workshop, Lexington, KY, "Musical Sunflower" Oil Painting, SOLD, Watercolor Art Journal Entries by Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

 Musical Sunflower 13055  SOLD
8x8in. Oil on Ampersand Gessobord

If you've ever been in a Dreama Tolle Perry workshop you have probably had an exercise called "Musical Easels" and the above painting is the result of that day. I began and ended the painting working from an upside down photo but in between Dreama would call out change easels and we went in a rotation painting for a few minutes on all different themed paintings. A lot of fun and it was a learning experience to see different artists' setups. If this is your first time reading this blog, I've posted about the workshop in several previous posts. 
 I took a Stillman & Birn 6x8 Alpha journal purchased through Mister Art  and recorded daily events plus I added a quick sketch of the paintings done in oil but these in the journal are watercolor. It's not my fault that Dreama and Ron provided us some yummy chocolate and other treats and it seems I ate more than my share as Dreama presented me with an additional $5 charge for all the extra. (Between us, I didn't pay it and it was probably more like $10 worth.) And lurking under that bill is what I'm talking about. (I forget how some writing comes across and this was a joke between us..Dreama really didn't expect me to pay and Ron kept making sure I had a Mounds on my tray).

The Monday, June 17th when we left for the flight back to DFW Dreama and Ron headed to France and she met up with 16 artists for a 10 day workshop. She has graciously invited anyone along to follow in a virtual trip which I'm doing (not as much fun as the real thing I grant you but this is a new experience and fun living the workshop life in France.) You can join in, grab your journal and a travel pan of watercolors and I'll meet you at her next stop. It will improve your drawing and I probably have never drawn a bicycle filled with flowers or a "rose tree" before. (For this workshop I'm using a Daler Rowney Cachet 7x10 120 lb. I found at Michaels with a free brush.) It takes watercolor washes well.
 I'm even learning a few words which I'm loath to repeat out loud with this twangy Texas accent but I'll type it.. Bonjour, Friends.. (spell checker suggested Bourbon.. well that also. We had a lot of Bourbon opportunities while traveling in Kentucky. 

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
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Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.


Texas Daily Painter, Oil painting, small oil floral, Sunflower painting, Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Contemporary Fine Arts International, Pinterest, Canvas by Canvas, Ampersand Gessobord, Square Painting, Dreama Tolle Perry Workshop, Check Advantage,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dreama Tolle Perry Oil Workshop, Day 3, "French Umbrellas" Oil Painting, Lexington KY and a One Day Art Journal Workshop by Texas Artist Nancy Standlee

"French Umbrellas" 13054
12x12 Oil Ampersand Gessobord Panel

If you have been following this blog you know I've just returned from a Dreama Tolle Perry workshop in Lexington, KY and this is the day 3 painting. She made this look sooo easy and these umbrellas were hard to do and made for staying late after class then trying again later on an 8x10. Day 4 we were to paint something on our own and I tried a single umbrella on the 8x10 and watched her demo in the P.M. of painting her cat, Eddie. (I'm not so ready for a cat painting.) 
The day our group caught the flight home to DFW Dreama was heading to France for 10 days to meet up with 16 students. If you enjoy journaling, Dreama has invited you to follow along in your journal. Here is one of my recent posts copying hers.

Hanging out at a restaurant while my dilated eyes get under control and sketching and painting my food. If you are in the area I'm giving a one day art journal workshop Saturday June 29 at Dutch Art in Dallas but I need a few more students for it to make. Dick Blick has sent a great door prize and so has Strathmore.. (hint, markers and journals) sign up on my website at

Congratulations to the art collector in Maine who purchased French Window that I posted yesterday.

Here are the 4 paintings that I will feature this week at my online gallery at Daily Paintworks. Click on the word HERE below each painting to read more about the painting.

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.


Texas Daily Painter, Oil painting, small oil landscape, architecture, French umbrellas, Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Contemporary Fine Arts International, Pinterest, Canvas by Canvas, Ampersand Gessobord, Square Painting, Dreama Tolle Perry Workshop, Check Advantage, journal, watercolor journals, one day watercolor journal workshop, Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, TX.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dreama Tolle Perry Oil Workshop, Day 2, French Window, SOLD, Lexington, KY and One Day Journal Workshop by Texas Artist Nancy Standlee

French Window 13053  (SOLD 6/21/2013)
12x12 on Ampersand Gessobord Panel
Available from my online Gallery at Daily Paintworks click HERE.

Day one of the workshop can be found on the previous post HERE. Usually the first thing each morning Dreama Tolle Perry would show her yesterday's demo painting and explain the changes in highlights and refined composition after she could work without interruptions in the evening. On mine I just worked Alla Prima and was off to something else the next day. Some nights we did stay later than 4:00 to paint at the Artists Attic  if we wanted to eat dinner in the area and not go back to our hotel room. We didn't have a morning of critiques but Dreama asked us to look and observe what we love and try to incorporate that into our painting style, but as she walked the room she gave individual critiques and comments throughout the day.

Nancy, Maryann and Connie at the end of the Pedway getting ready for class in the next building.

Nancy and Dreama

Dreama and Ron, her husband, are in France now with 16 happy workshop people for a 10 day painting holiday. If you enjoy journaling as I do, Dreama has invited us along to make journal entries from photos that she posts. I did that yesterday from her post HERE.  She asks that we don't copy her photos for paintings to sell. I have several journals going and in my new 7x10 120 lb. Cachet by Daler Rowney I'm made the following entry and copied Dreama's post First. 
Nancy's sketch Page 4 after Dreama's Post "First"

While in Lexington at the 5 day workshop I had a Stillman & Birn Alpha 6x8, 100 lb to record our days. This is page 18 and 19 and I would add a quick sketch of the painting done that day. The planter was in the Triangle Park surrounded by water fountains that we could see from our 15th Hyatt Regency Room. 

I have other journals that I write in and this is an entry from the one I've dubbed my "Out and About" that I stick in my backpack, a super deluxe 9x6 93 lb. Aquabee. Pages 16 and 17 entry after a doctor appointment and eating at one of my favorite restaurants, Sweet Tomatoes. Painting red tomatoes on a red plate? (maybe I'll do that differently next time.)
I'm giving a one day art journaling workshop, "Love Your Life" at the Dutch Art Gallery, June 29, 2013. Sign up this week to make this a go. I need several more for this class to make. To read about how to sign up go to my website under workshops HERE. I will bring these journals to discuss and demonstrate how to begin to keep a daily record of your life. I was so proud of my traveling companions in Lexington as we all whipped out our journals at every opportunity in Lexington and would sit, draw, talk, and dine.

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.


Texas Daily Painter, Oil painting, small oil landscape, French window, Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Contemporary Fine Arts International, Pinterest, Canvas by Canvas, Ampersand Gessobord, Square Painting, Dreama Tolle Perry Workshop, Check Advantage,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dreama Tolle Perry Oil Workshop, Lexington, KY, Day 1, Kentucky Rose Oil Painting by Arlington, TX Artist Nancy Standlee

 My Kentucky Rose 13052
12x12 in. Oil Painting on Ampersand Gessobord
Available at my online Gallery at Daily Paintworks

June 12-16 finds 3 of my girlfriends and I taking a 5 day Dreama Tolle Perry workshop in Lexington, KY and staying in the Hyatt Regency because of a Pedway that connects the hotel with the workshop area and we didn't rent a car. The Hyatt has a shuttle from the Blue Grass Airport also and there are lots of restaurants within walking distance. Seventeen students are enrolled and we began our day with a demo and we painted and most finished our first painting of a 12" Ampersand Gessobord Panel of flowers on day one of the workshop. 
Now it's Tuesday, June 18, a week later and this morning my mind is flooded with great memories and the times shared between friends. One of the reasons this trip was so special is I did have traveling companions and we shared rooms across from each other on the 15th floor giving us a great view of the city. I have 3 new 12x12 paintings sitting out to dry, one 8x8 and one 8x10 and I will be posting these in the following weeks. 
Yesterday when it was time to catch our 1:20 flight home and it was delayed we had the bright idea of going to Dreama's departure gate and surprising her. We never found her but just figured she saw us advancing and hid behind a check out counter. Our delayed flight didn't leave until 4:10 and somewhere during that time I think Dreama and Ron had to hail a cab to make their connection to Paris (and that is like in France, not Paris, KY, where they live.)
An invitation to my readers to follow her blog and Facebook as she posts from France and participate in the visual vacation along with her. I will follow along in spirit and maybe next year I will join her in the France trip? But for today, the scales are screaming because of Dreama chocolate and Ron's Mounds bars and restaurant grits and I need to think about plants to eat but my girl friends and I are planning a DPT shot (Dreama Palette Time) where we take our notes and work on colors and a palette guide.
I really enjoy Dreama's teaching style as she breaks down the painting demo into 3 or 4 stages as she paints in layers and we have a short demo, go back and repeat her instructions, then she gives us the 2nd stage demo and we paint and continue until the painting is finished. She paints alla prima and wet into wet, fat over lean and begins with her transparent colors. To see her list of colors and supply list go to her website Here:

 Dreama working on her day one painting demo.. (she is not referring to the cowboy painting on the left but see her photo directly below her painting. She is using a James Coulter easel with paper towel protected end flaps. (It's a Dreama thing.) James has videos showing the three sizes, standard, compact, and mini on his website. Fortunately at the Artists' Attic there were enough easels so we left ours back in Texas.

Karen Foster,   Connie Michael,   Dreama,   NS, our adopted new friend, Lorrie Drennan, and Maryann Stephens. 
(This was a goodbye shot after packing and cleanup.)

And what a perfect time to journal to take in new sights and we had longer periods of time to sit at sidewalk cafes and sketch, take carriage rides or linger over a cup of Starbucks. Maybe I can post some of the journal pages later but if you enjoy journaling there is a great open group on Facebook called the Artists Journal Workshop you need to join.  
Coming up on the next post is the French Shutter painting so stay in touch. Thanks for reading and forward the link to your friends.

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.


Texas Daily Painter, Oil painting, small oil floral, rose oil painting, Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Contemporary Fine Arts International, Pinterest, Lexington KY, oil workshop, Canvas by Canvas, Ampersand Gessobord, Square Painting, Dreama Tolle Perry Workshop, Check Advantage,