Monday, October 28, 2013

Janet Rogers Watercolor Workshop Dallas TX, October 21-24, 2013 and CheckAdvantage One Week Sale, Dreams of the Turtle King Illustrations by Texas Artist Nancy Standlee

 Rose #2 13113 (private Collection)

 Janet Rogers teaching florals
Check out her traveling painting "easel". It's three panels of foam core scored and taped that can be folded flat for traveling. That is a piece of rubberized kitchen shelf liner to drape over it so her board doesn't slip. The boards she likes are from Cheap Joe's Artmate watercolor boards for support. HERE..  
Here is her supply list for the colors she uses.  And Thank You, Cheap Joe's for all the goodies and letting us try out some of her fabulous watercolors in colors new to us.

 Small Rose #13109
7.5x5.5 watercolor, 140 lb paper

 White Flowers 13111
13x11 Watercolor, 140 lb 
I'm calling these white flowers because no one knew the name. Sad I know and someone thought it started with a "G" but just let these be a generic white flower for now. 

Stock Study or Hollyhocks.. you choose... 13114
12x16 Watercolor on 140 lb paper
These were to be a painting of some purple stock and I do think they make good hollyhocks. 

Before I launch into the workshop, remember the sale ($3.00 off) on all my products at Check Advantage HERE for this week only:
 Starts Monday Oct 28 and here is the link again
with checks, check covers, address labels (don't click the start shopping link) A really nice feature is "duplicates" if you like to have a little help in remembering where that check was written. When ordering select duplicates and you will always know the date and where that check was written.

Watercolor Workshop with Janet Rogers: 
I decided I needed a Janet Rogers refresher course after taking her 3 day in Fort Worth in September 2008 and I loved every minute of the 4 day Dallas workshop (October 21-24) painting "Flowers and Portrait/Figures in Watercolor".  Today I'll post the flowers and save the figures for another day. I'm not painting 1/2 or full sheets in watercolor at present but I'm enjoying using my journal with watercolor and I do enjoy the eight sheets. I've also finished illustrating a book of poems in watercolor, Dreams of the Turtle King.
When the 15 students arrived on Monday, the Artist Showplace was filled with fresh flowers and we each had a table to ourselves  and that always makes a great start to any workshop. We worked on single flowers and flowers in a bouquet for the first two days and the rest on faces and figures. Janet gives great demos and helps each student and each day we have a critique on work done and she's one of those rare instructors who "walk the room" after he demo making sure each one understands and she helps out with questions and more personal demos. She is also a happy, loving artist. 

Remember if you don't have time to take a workshop away from home, Daily Paintworks has ArtBytes to download, some are free and some are very affordable. I have a $10 ArtByte available on Collage. Check out all of them HERE.  And thanks to all who have already purchased my tutorial. 

Check back for the post about the faces/figure portions of the workshop. 

Piles of Shells, available on Daily Paintworks HERE:
an illustration (24 total illustrations) for the book of poems written by Denise Bossarte

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.

Dreams of the Turtle King blog

Denise Bossarte
Found Worlds Photography
Dreams of the Turtle King: Poems Inspired by South Florida Beaches by Denise Ippensen Bossarte

Texas Daily Painter, Watercolor, Pen and Ink sketches,  Beach paintings, small paper painting, poetry book, poems, beach poems, flower watercolor, rose watercolor, Janet Rogers, workshop, Dallas, TX,  Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Pinterest,  Dreams of the Turtle King,   Denise Bossarte, photography, Amazon, Florida, Found Worlds,CheckAdvantage,

Friday, October 25, 2013

CheckAdvantage Personalized Checks on Sale, Monday October 28 and Margaret Hoybach Workshop in San Angelo TX and Sold from Dreams of the Turtle King by Texas Artist Nancy Standlee

 Remember it doesn't start till Monday Oct 28 and here is the link again
with checks, check covers, address labels (don't click the start shopping link) A really nice feature is "duplicates" if you like to have a little help in remembering where that check was written. When ordering select duplicates and you will always know the date and where that check was written.

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are." Thanks Dale Ver Voort of CheckAdvantage for the quote. This is my birthday week, October 29 and  I will be 78 and my personalized checks will be on special with $3.00 off  any Nancy Standlee product at CheckAdvantage starting Monday, October 28. Orders ship within 3 business days. Happy Birthday to all of us with fall birthdays.

Workshop in San Angelo October 15-18:
If you are a reader of this blog or if you've known me very long, you know I love to take workshops and be around other artists, painting and talking art and hanging out. I wanted to take this "Capturing the Moment" with Margaret Hoybach of Charleston, SC because I don't know a lot about plein air journaling, I hadn't been in San Angelo, TX in years and I loved Margaret's book, Colors of France after purchasing it in 2005. The workshop was sponsored by Barbara Barnhart Rallo, Bon Voyage Travels of Lubbock. The schedule was full and varied with a kick off lecture Tuesday evening at the First Financial Bank. Wednesday we set up on the grounds of the Sugg home along the Concho River in downtown San Angelo with a box lunch and how convenient is that. That evening there was an art opening at the Black Swan Gallery. Thursday we met at the parking lot of M.L. Leddy's downtown for painting among the unique shops with lunch at Miss Hattie's and later returned to paint during ArtWalk that evening. Friday we drove to paint along the South Concho River in Christoval with lunch at the Hildago then painting on the grounds of a private country home of one of the students, Treva in Christoval. On one of the trips back to the motel, I managed a quick view of the Waterlily Garden but haven't had time to add any entries yet. 
Here are some of the journal pages from the Stillman and Birns, Beta 9x12 journal I used for this outing.
 Filling in the pages with some quick figures from the book "The Complete Sketch" by Robert S. Oliver. Painting on the grounds of the Sugg home downtown San Angelo and there were so many beautiful scenes we could have painted here for 3 days. On the porch some pumpkins caught my eye.
 Page 4 the roof and behind the home near the river and Mustang Sally and the Leddy boot sign. That was a horse sculpture and he does look like he's with "horse" and I need more help with horses.

 Lunch at Miss Hattie's, and at artwalk one of the students standing to sketch and along the Concho River and Hidalgo's. (yellow stickies = private entry) We were all feeling like Renoir's the Boating Party after Margaret told us about the book and I've since ordered it. She recommended it highly. Luncheon of the Boating Party  
and still some space left for additional writing and notes.

A partial page from Treva's patio.

One story about one of the students during art walk and since this was nearing Halloween, Tom decided he'd dress as Van Gogh with a bandage on his ear. His wife decided she'd dress as a witch and she hung a plastic ear around her neck and he painted along the streets planning to paint "Starry, Starry Cactus" but it turned into something else. Isn't that always the case?
 TOM "Starry Starry Hotel"
 Our "boating party" along the South Concho River painting and listening to the river.
 Margaret sketching near Miss Hatties.
Foreground:  Treva.. how Texan and cute she looked with her boots and cowgirl hat. All kinds of ways to work, on a table, in your lap or on an easel. Take your pick. It's always educational to walk by and see how people manage their equipment and what they have chosen to use.

I still don't have the supplies organized and how to carry them down yet. I'm still all over the board and I'm always switching from the back of my car but two items that are working and they are not too heavy to carry and are easy to set up
The Excelsior Table here

The folding chair from GCI

Dreams of the Turtle King:

Sold: Lead Me and will be mailed to a California art collector in a few days.

Denise Bossart has written a book of poems about Florida beaches and will publish the book in December. I have illustrated 24 of the poems and the watercolors are being scanned now and are available on my Daily Paintworks site. The book will be available in December on Amazon. 

This watercolor painting is available Crowd of Footprints 
and is an illustration for one of the poems.

I drove home from the San Angelo workshop on Saturday, met with a Dallas group representing a restaurant chain about illustrating some menu items on Sunday, then on to the Janet Rogers 4 day watercolor workshop at Artists Showplace in Richardson Monday - Thursday but that is another post. 

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.

Dreams of the Turtle King blog

Denise Bossarte
Found Worlds Photography
Dreams of the Turtle King: Poems Inspired by South Florida Beaches by Denise Ippensen Bossarte

Texas Daily Painter, Watercolor, Pen and Ink sketches,  Beach paintings, small paper painting, poetry book, poems, beach poems, beach girl,  footprints, Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Pinterest,  Dreams of the Turtle King,  Margaret Hoybach, Denise Bossarte, photography, Amazon, Florida, Found Worlds,

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sea Turtle Nests 13092, a Watercolor Illustration with Pen and Ink for the Book of Poems, Dreams of the Turtle King by Denise Bossarte, Illustrations by Nancy Standlee

Sea Turtle Nests 13092
Watercolor 11x10, Bockingford Rough 140 lb. paper
Namiki Falcon pen and Noodler's Lexington Gray Ink

I have done a lot of research for the illustrations for the book of poems, Dreams of the Turtle King, and I found a video of these turtles hatching and making their way to the sea and it was awesome to watch. I would like to observe that in person someday. Today I think I will finish up two illustrations and the project. I do have others that I haven't downloaded and posted but the actual painting is nearly finished. What a learning experience this has been and so glad I said yes.  One thing I've learned from a favorite instructor, Robert Burridge, "The answer is always YES." (If you have to ask, the answer is always yes.. in such as, does this painting need more red, Yes.. do you think I need to stop, Yes..and when people ask you to do a project..say yes and figure the how out later..the answer is always, Yes..)

All of these watercolors will be for sale on my Daily Paintworks site HERE soon. They are now in Houston being professionally scanned and when they are returned, I will mat them in 14x11 mats and place in clear bags before mailing and the new owner can select a standard size frame. 

Yesterday I ordered Vistaprint postcards to give out with the book cover image of the Sea Turtle. I can't wait to get my cards and begin to pass them out. This is the cover image: 

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.

Dreams of the Turtle King blog

Denise Bossarte
Found Worlds Photography
Dreams of the Turtle King: Poems Inspired by South Florida Beaches by Denise Ippensen Bossarte

Texas Daily Painter, Watercolor, Pen and Ink sketches,  Beach paintings, small paper painting, poetry book, poems, beach poems, turtle nests  Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Pinterest,  Dreams of the Turtle King,  Virginia, Denise Bossarte, photography, Amazon, Florida, Found Worlds,

Friday, October 11, 2013

Orphans 13096, Sofa Cushions on the Beach, an Illustration for the book of poetry, Dreams of the Turtle King written by Texas Artist Denise Bossarte and Illustrations by Nancy Standlee.

Orphans 13096
11x10" watercolor paper 140 lb, with pen and ink

Available on Daily Paintworks HERE

This is the illustration for the poem, Orphans, from Dreams of the Turtle King, written by Denise Bossarte and illustrated by Nancy Standlee. These are sofa cushions on the beach along with other beach orphans. I recalled a maroon colored sofa we had when I was a child and what might have become of those cushions. The beach poems definitely are causing some thinking on my part and remembering some times from long ago.

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.

Dreams of the Turtle King blog

Denise Bossarte
Found Worlds Photography
Dreams of the Turtle King: Poems Inspired by South Florida Beaches by Denise Ippensen Bossarte

Texas Daily Painter, Watercolor, Pen and Ink sketches,  Beach paintings, small paper painting, poetry book, poems, beach poems, sofa cushions, orphans,  Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Pinterest,  Dreams of the Turtle King,  Virginia, Denise Bossarte, photography, Amazon, Florida, Found Worlds,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Painting with the Peeps, Beach Walker 13099 and Chair Precision for Dreams of the Turtle King by Texas Contemporary Painter Nancy Standlee

Beach Walker: Virginia Beach 13099
10x8 on Ampersand Gessobord panel, ready for a standard frame
Oil, with Palette Knife

Beach Walker is available at Daily Paintworks, click HERE.

This was painted over the weekend while taking a long holiday with my painting peeps, Canvas by Canvas in Gun Barrel City and Payne Springs on Cedar Creek Lake. We pack lots of food and art supplies and rent a roomy house on the lake twice a year. I completed 6 images for the book of poems I'm illustrating, written by Denise Bossarte and scheduled for publication in December. The above painting was the first one I completed for the book in watercolor and it can be seen here on the blog and on Daily Paintworks.
Dreams of the Turtle King blog can be found HERE.

Chair Precision 13097
11x10 watercolor on Bockingford paper
An illustration for poem #14 from the book, Dreams of the Turtle King 

 Deep Dish Apple pie I made for the peeps with honey crisp apples and just playing it forward as Leslie Saeta had made one for us during the oil, palette knife workshop in Sandbridge.

 The dock at the lake house is now all green grass as Cedar Creek Lake is receding due to drought.

 The lake house.

 The studio on the left and we place finished paintings on the mantle and paint while looking over the lake. We can paint first thing with coffee and with Ott lights as long as we want in the evening. We bring photos or make our own set ups and this weekend we were painting for our own use but sometimes we paint Canvas by Canvas projects. We divide the meals up so responsibility is shared. Some of us even share rides and some of us bring so many art supplies we have to drive alone and can you guess which one is the lone driver? We are responsible for our own breakfast unless another member can be cajoled into providing it. The living room area is large and about 4 or 5 steps down from a large dining area off the kitchen.  We can sit outside and view the lake from the covered back patio with a large table and chairs. 
We take an afternoon break and watch artist DVD's and we have decided we like to have our bigger meal at lunch and have wine and snacks, appetizers and leftovers in the evening. I don't think we watched the "news" once and no wifi... only our cell phones. Now I could use some wifi and missed my Facebook friends. Some had to have a wifi break on Saturday to go download some apps they had learned about and found a local business with wifi and sat in the parking lot just so they could download some favorite art apps. When 7 people are gathered someone always has a new app to share. One that I use and love that they enjoyed was Accuview and I shared Paper 53.

We are so much creatures of habit and Barbara and I have been sharing this side of the room since the beginning overlooking the front yard but who takes time to look around when busy painting so having a lake view is not a priority for us. We bring tables, easels, oil, acrylic and watercolor paints, our journals and on and on. If someone has left something at home one of the others is sure to have it and will share. We celebrate birthdays and have parties and gifts and this time it was Connie's. 

Other paintings will be posted soon that were painted at the lake house. If you can make a date with girl friends for a painting holiday, share stories and food and paint the weekend away. 

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.

Dreams of the Turtle King blog

Denise Bossarte
Found Worlds Photography
Dreams of the Turtle King: Poems Inspired by South Florida Beaches by Denise Ippensen Bossarte

Texas Daily Painter, Watercolor, Pen and Ink sketches,  Beach paintings, small paper painting, poetry book, poems, beach poems, beach girl,  Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Pinterest,  Dreams of the Turtle King,  Virginia, Denise Bossarte, photography, Amazon, Florida, Found Worlds, Oil painting, beach walking, palette knife painting, lake house, Canvas by Canvas,