Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sold ~ Fish City Grill Arlington by Nancy Standlee

7.5” x 11”
Pen and Ink on Fabriano 140 cold press watercolor paper

Some friends, (CC, Cindy, and Barbara) and I decided to eat lunch at Fish City Grill in our newest shopping center, the Arlington Highlands Town Center, at Matlock and I 20. I’ve eaten at some of the Dallas sites and have been eagerly awaiting their grand opening in Arlington. Their motto “Friendly Folks. Serious Seafood” certainly was true yesterday. Maddie was our gracious waitress and told us “We were her best table today”. What a nice compliment for customers to hear. Maybe we were her first table for the day? We didn’t want to leave. The food and companionship were a great combination. Too soon we had to be off to DeSoto to hang our Canvas by Canvas exhibit. The invitation and map is at the very bottom of our home page.
Pen and ink is a favorite medium to use in my journals. You can sketch and then come back later to color the image or as in the case yesterday, take a photo, and then sketch it another day. If you are interested in sketchbook journaling may I suggest these books:

  • How to Make a Journal of Your Life by Dan Price
    Moonlight Chronicles by Dan Price
    The Creative License by Danny Gregory
    Everyday Matters by Danny Gregory
    Art Escapes by Dory Kanter
  • If you are interested in any of these books, click on the Amazon icon and do a search for more descriptions.
    Danny Gregory has a large Yahoo group that has 2549 members.
  • SOLD to Fish City Grill


  1. That is just a darling sketch/painting of your waitress! I'm sure she will be thrilled to death to be captured on your blog! Nice work!

  2. Absolutely beautiful NS. I wasn't even there but you made her personality speak to me. You just keep getting better.

  3. Nancy, this little painting made me smile and I bet it will make Maddie smile, too. It also made we wish I had been there. I hope you'll include some of your fabulous journal pages on your blog. Thanks for the journaling references.


  4. Wow, what an exquisite watercolour! Free and loose and glowing colours. Did you show it to the waitress?

  5. That is a lovely colorful watercolor, Nancy. Good job!!!!

  6. Awesome wc...love the looseness of it!! Welcome to edm!

  7. Hello, Nina,
    In answer to your question, the waitress, a UTA student, was working an 11 hour shift Monday, but she gave me her email address to notify her when I posted. Between classes and working she may not see it until next week. Our relationship got off to a great start when we were talking about dieting within the group and at the suggestion of a dessert later, I said "Shuutt Uupp" and she thought that was so funny coming from a "Senior". She told me "You sound like my friends" a little difference of maybe 21 (at max) and 71 years old (at the minimum).

  8. I started to do some sketches after reading DG's The Creative License. I have really enjoyed the addition of drawing into my creative life. I don't really do 'people' yet; so, I look with admiration at this piece you've done here. It has that personal, 'everyday' quality...in spades.

  9. What a fabulous sketch. You've really captured the mood you described. I feel like I was there.

  10. Wow Nanc...this sketch is just wonderful....Maddie will be so pleased. I'm having a hard time keeping up with you Nancy!!

  11. Oh Nancy, that is sooo good of Maddy, she will be thrilled. I bet we are the most unusual table she has ever waited on! b.g. hackney

  12. Thank you for your kind comments, Nancy!
    This watercolor is just fantastic...you have nailed it!!!
