Sunday, August 5, 2007

Yellow Rose, Red Boot Painting ~ Nancy Standlee Art Blog

"Yellow Rose, Red Boot"
11"x14" Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, 3/4" profile

These sassy boots have seen some good times but they are worn now only if there is someone to assist is removing them or a photo opportunity comes along where I need to look like a cool cowgirl.
And talking about artists and photos brings up another matter. If you want to photograph people it is necessary to use some stealth techniques. If you ask for permission to take their photo for a possible painting, you get one of two results. First they give you a flat out no or they look all smiley/cheese (with all teeth showing) directly into the camera. (I don't do teeth so that makes for a very elongated chin area when I try to paint a chin/lip combo minus the open mouth/teeth. (We like people to look like they're really not present ..for some that is easier than others.)
On a Santa Fe photography trip last year, I saw the dreamiest guy, long dark ponytail, white open neck shirt, with a big chunk of turquoise around his neck and he would have made a painting that would have gotten me into any area juried show. My biggest mistake when my Canvas by Canvas girl friends were at his booth was to ask his permission. He gave a little hands under the chin head bow and I got the NO- answer #1. I spent the next 30 minutes with my 12X zoom across the street behind pillars and adobe columns and trees and bushes trying to get something, anything but he was busy selling and wouldn't stand still. I even tried a friend as a shill to approach him but that didn't work either neither did slowly cruising by his booth, slinking down in the back seat. You're always afraid you'll get reported for stalking. And I've followed a few interesting looking people trying to get a good candid photo.
But I have found a fellow blogger's post, Dave Silver Creek 78250
that you will love and it has to do with his love of photography as a way to relieve his shopping excursion boredom. Read it and wouldn't you love to join him for a day of people photography. You would come away with some awesome people shots, no cheese/smiley's..just a fun day to remember. A diversion like getting a new telephone that has a button on the base unit that when pushed will generate a beep from the phone. I was fascinated with this possibility and kept hiding my phone and pressing the button and see if I could find it. I found the phone every time.
This stealth photography is one of those fun activities that might result in a good people painting. I would like to hear other suggestions for getting good candid people shots. I think my next photo op might be Garden Ridge as I take 2 allergy pills every night. Or I would look cute sitting in Dave's Texas flag tub with my yellow rose/red booted leg dropped over the side for my next publicity shot. Maybe for a 71 year old that would need to be a jeans covered yellow rose/red booted leg.

Other blogs where I post:


Eat Well ~ Paint Your Food ~ Laugh Often

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  1. Very clever and cute. I can just see you in that tub with your cowboy boots, hat and turquoise jewelry. If only Dave knew how nuts we really are, he'd probably invite you down for a photo shoot!

  2. That would be a sight!

    You ladies don't sound nuts to me at all. Course, I'm not certified by any authorities to make such judgments.

    We'll keep the tub clean in case you make it to San Antonio.

    And thanks for linking to the page.


  3. Enjoying your blog, NS. Dave sounds like a character, a happy one. Love your boot painting with the yellow rose.

  4. I don't know why, I just like this one. It's a great painting!
