Saturday, November 17, 2007

Arne Westerman Workshop ~ Day 5 ~ SWS

$125 Workshop Painting
Karen and CY 15 x 22 at Point Bolivar

Graduation Day

7 x 11 Color Sketch

7 x 11 Color Sketch Port Bolivar Girls
The notes were very brief on day 5 of the Arne Westerman Workshop by the Southwestern Watercolor Society and the day ended much too soon. Our graduation ended with Arne giving us our Artistic License and our group was definitely better Friday and on Monday.
In the morning, some developed more thumbnails and color sketches for a larger painting and some worked on paintings already started. I chose to develop 2 new ideas that are shown here. Arne suggested I use the same color of bathing suit on the Port Bolivar Girls and I may change or not. On my large painting of Karen and CY, I showed him the photo and said "I don't do teeth" and presented him a tracing of Karen with shortened face and no teeth. That was not going to be o.k. with him. Arne said "We do teeth"! So this is Nancy's painting with Arne teeth plus other touches and accents along the way.
The group ate lunch together at the Panda Express and continued with photos (some discretely of the customers) and art talk. We returned to class to paint and see a few more slides and get our license, make our goodbyes. This was a very good congenial class.
Some last Arne pointers:
1. Everything can't be interesting. Kill Something to save your painting.
2. Don't leave holes in your painting. (I tend to leave little spaces of white sparkles in the painting and I like them.)
3. Don't make a painting all headlines.
4. Remember to do thumbnails and color sketches before a painting.
Arne is very talented, witty and loves people and if you can take his watercolor workshop, run and sign up now. He's in his early 80's and has gained lots of "people wisdom" and painting knowledge along the way. He possesses great teaching and communication skills. He could "kill" the whistle he has hanging around his neck - his call for attention from too talkative students but then it was also a call, come look at this student's work and watch this.
If you're interested in people painting, watch people, listen to their conversations, take photos, and sketch them when you can.
He will have a gallery show in Rockport Texas soon and I will try and get more information and post the details.
Thanks, Arne, for a delightful, well-spent week. On the way home, I stopped at La Madelines for spinach salad and tomato basil soup to complete a perfect week. Today, Saturday, my art "stuff" is still not put away and I've really taken it easy with a good afternoon nap in my easy chair. Then it's back to reality with a week's mail and plans for a Thanksgiving dinner. But to all of my friends in the class, I loved painting with you and look forward to our next workshop together. Arne, you're welcome in Texas anytime and we'll be your Texas "groupies" working on our next degree.
Other blogs where I post:
Eat Well ~ Paint Your Food ~ Laugh Often


  1. Looks like you had a great time and thanks for the learning points - John

  2. Enjoyed "being" at the workshop with you! Your notes and pictures always make me feel like I am there, too. I'm passing this on to my sister. She paints in Rockport each week.
    Rest up and enjoy Thanksgiving! But,still, find time to utilize those things that you have been learning.
    By the way, I loved the teeth on the woman! Her smile, and the teeth, were one of the first things I noticed. It drew attention to her right away.

  3. Love what you've done with the painting Nancy. I see you've found the center of interest by giving it space and cropping in on the secondary figure. Now I know what's wrong with some of my paintings when I look back at them and think I learned so much from Arne Westerman.

  4. What an interesting set of posts Nancy - lots of information. Sounds as if you had a really good time.

    Consider yourself 'blogged' for my post next Sunday! ;)

    I absolutely love the image at the top by the way!

  5. Nancy, Your painting of KSF and CY is really terrific!
    Thank you again for sharing your last day at the workshop. Soooo
    much good information!!!!

  6. thanks for sharing your watercolor workshop. I love arne westerman and would love to take one of his workshops. Lucky you!

  7. Love the colours in the protrait.

  8. I just signed up for an Arne Westerman workshop in September and am SO excited. Your day-by-day account was wonderful and gave me a good idea of what to expect. I just hope I'm not in over my head. Thanks for the posts.
