Thursday, May 15, 2008

Myrna Wacknov Workshop ~ Thursday ~Cedar Hill TX

In the previous post, I discussed the watercolor workshop in Cedar Hill with Myrna Wacknov. Today we drew our children's portraits, Myrna gave an excellent demo on using the Tyvek snythetic paper and made it look sooo easy as she painted an Indian and we were getting antsy... and most of us had a feeling of "let me get at it --I know I can do it " before and during the demo, and we were given some of her liquid Hydrus watercolor paints. The seven of us were very confident after the demo but I hit a stone wall. Some had great paintings but I'm not even showing mine. I painted, wiped, added gouache, wiped, sprayed with water, hit with a watercolor pencil, wiped and scrubbed it several times and there it sits face down on the table so it won't scare the night cleaning person. I think Tyvek paper is pretty stong because I sure gave it lots of abuse today.
I didn't get photos of many pieces today. Everyone was just so busy painting and wrestling Tyvek. I will post some photos of Myrna's work on Tyvek, a few of the buildings, and one of Debra's on watercolor paper.

1 comment:

  1. Nice slide show of work. I know you had a great workshop. Looking forward to hearing more about it.
