Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Watercolor and Gouache Painting ~ "Memories"

"Memories Begin to Fade"
15" x 11"
Watercolor and Gouache on 140 Hot Press Paper

I'm thinking about gouache today and about preparing for my second workshop with Donna Zagotta. This was painted in another of my favorite painter's workshop, Carla O'Connor. Carla uses gouache. Donna prefers watercolor mixed with Winsor and Newton Designers Permanent White Gouache. I don't know what I prefer yet but like the ability to rework passages that need a little improvement and it's difficult to do with straight watercolor. These two ladies are close to the top of my favorite figurative painters list.

I get the Robert Genn's newsletters and he'll probably call my sentimental title "barfy". This week he was discussing "changing titles". His quote and my comment on his web site:

Genn's quote "Sentimental titles are the last bastion of scoundrels, and can add significant barf to an already barfy work."

My comment: "I forwarded this article to my painting friends and said ouch..he's talking to me but after emailing back and forth I've decided I like my barfy titles 'cause I get a lot of them listening to country music and I bet you think country music is pretty barfy too. I liked your other comments on titles as they always give one pause. The next time I title something like "I Can't Let Go" I'll think of your disapproval."

Do you think coming up with a title is hard? Is it easier to say Untitled #1, #2, etc? I know I do that with some of my Lylas paintings..just 1, 2, 3. I sorta like "barfy" titles then I'm a big country western music fan and the songs can get pretty sentimental.

Other blogs where I post:
Daily Painters of Texas
Daily Abstract Painters Gallery
Canvas by Canvas

Arlington Texas Nancy Standlee Daily Painter Contemporary Watercolor Gouache Expressionist


  1. Lovely painting, I like the colors.Good job!

  2. Love your painting and I like your title. I have two artists friends who say it's their clever titles that sells their paintings. They sell a LOT!
    Love your blog and in-depth workshop postings. Great for those of us who can't attend!Thank you,

  3. I follow Robert Genn too. I did enjoy him talking about titles and find titles sometimes just jump out at me, and other times I am clueless what to call something. I like how Sandy Maudlin often uses a "play on words" for hers. I did that on a painting of an old caboose with the brake featured and called it "Taking a Brake". I always try to name my paintings and not call them "Untitled" or "#1" or anything like that which I think is just lazy. But I didn't find your title "barfy". :-)

  4. Thanks, Margie. Maybe I'll have more gouache paintings to post soon.

    Eva, thanks for the info on the clever titles. Always difficult to find a clever one.

    Ginny, Hi Robert Genn has so much info on his site and thanks for not thinking my title was "barfy".
