Monday, October 5, 2009

Carole Barnes Lecture/Critique ~ Day 3, 4 and 5 ~ by Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

"Tina's Abstract" by Nancy Standlee
22" x 30" acrylic on paper
Nancy painted this on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and sold during the workshop.

I spent last week at Artists Showplace in Dallas taking the Carole Barnes "Watermedia and Collage: Making Your Paintings Stronger and More Personal", September 28 - October 2, 9:30-4:30, $375.00, and I ended my first blog post about the class with a plea "I hope on Wednesday we can see Carole painting more on her demo. We are all needing help and asking questions like "Am I doing this right?" "Help"!!" and on Wednesday morning as we were gathering for our morning lecture I repeated that I hoped she would spend more time on a demo on Wednesday than was spent on Tuesday. Carole said, "I rarely finish a demo painting in class." Then why am I in this workshop and spending $375.00?

Carole's Monday Start

Carole's Painting Progress on Tuesday on the demo

Carole's last work on the Demo on Thursday.

One of the finished pieces she brought to show and your guess is as good as mine as to how the demo gets to the finished stage shown here. That information went back to Colorado with Carole.
You can view some of her other finished work HERE.

If you've been a reader of this blog for very long, you know I love taking workshops and meeting new artists and learning new techniques and I report back with posts about the daily activities. I take workshops to see instructors paint and discuss their work and share their methods of paint application. I've taken about 75 workshops since 2002 that range from a one day to 2 weeks in length and I've taken from some favorite instructors more than once. O.K. I confess I've taken from Robert Burridge 6 times. On the occasion of a new instructor the days before the workshop contains some anxiety as packing begins and the unknown comes to the surface with questions like - Where will I sit? Did I bring the right supplies? (always a concern if you're out of town) Do I have the correct reference material? If you're an artist and have taken a workshop then you can relate and you may have your own personal group of anxieties. I know from talking with many fellow artists few sleep well the night before and a lot are packing right up to the last minute and many fight heavy traffic jams and pay a costly workshop fee. Why? For the love of learning, fellowship and the chance to try out new techniques. Now I must add to that list of concerns - Will they demo and for how long?

On Wednesday her demo was super short and she showed us how she creates a sharp straight line by putting down two pieces of blue hardware painters tape and rubbing briskly with an alcohol soaked tissue or paper towel. The rest of the time (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday was lecture and she made appointments with individuals for a critique on previous work they brought in and we enjoyed lots of "good painting time" . I belong to a critique group that meets once a month and I pay for this privilege. In a workshop I appreciate critiques on what is done then and there and not on past work. On Friday we had lots of "good painting time" after our morning lecture and at 2:00 p.m. met for our group show and tell under the large mirror.

In a workshop I anticipate and expect a demonstration each morning to set the stage for the days' work. That is all I've known. Various teachers may vary from painting a full sheet morning and afternoon, leaving less time for the participants to paint. Others teachers begin the day with a full painting and by the time they are finished the class is excited and ready to paint. Sometimes after lunch, we regroup and have a short lesson or a time for questions then more painting time.
I was very disappointed that Carole didn't complete a painting during the five days so we could see her steps of problem solving and how she arrives at her stunning pieces.

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WEB SITE ........Canvas By Canvas

Other blogs where I post:

Daily Painters of Texas

Daily Abstract Painters Gallery

Daily Painters Marketplace




  1. Thanks for your candor, Nancy. That's just the kind of information we all need, especially the workshop instructors who want to offer their class the best of what they have to teach.

  2. It is good to let the world know your opinions of a workshop and it’s instructors. It is unfortunate, too, that you did not have a good time since you apparently went into it with such high expectations, even as to where you would sit.
    I have not attended 75 workshops, but of those I have, the instructor did not finish his/her demo in my presence; nor did I have that expectation. Particularly I would not have that expectation when the artist instructor’s work is conceptual.
    You say you Sold your piece so I think you probably took more out of the class than you think you did and are having a little excitement letdown. It happens.
    I certainly mean no disrespect to you, Nancy, I just present an opposing viewpoint, which may be all wet too.

  3. If in the flyer, demo is the first word in the description then I expect a demo of a finished piece - just like a can of beans.. if the first ingredient is beans, I expect beans when I open the can. No excitement letdown as I'm preparing for the next workshop where demos are guaranteed. I take workshops to see other artists paint and demo their work. If the workshop is advertised as a lecture, critique I probably wouldn't be signing up. But each artists is at a different stage so there are workshops for all.

  4. Nancy, thank you so much for being honest about your experience. I think the teacher could benefit as much as we do about it. I took a class from Carole Barnes many, many years ago, but I think she finished her demo then. Guess she has let the years get to her. Even her work shows it. Another artist who does not do a demo is Katharine Chang Lou. It was the worst class I have ever taken and it was verrrry expensive. Please do not let anyone discourage you from telling it like it is. Too many people will accept anything if the teacher has an impressive resume. Raising the bar is a good thing.brwingra

  5. Thanks for the encouraging words, Eva. I've never taken from Katherine Chang Liu and wouldn't care to because I know how she operates and at this stage of my painting life it wouldn't be for me. When time and money are involved, I am very sensitive to getting what I've paid for.

  6. I love your work, it is beautiful. Very interesting blog. I will be coming back for more.

  7. Thanks, Christine.. for the visit and comments. On your profile I sure can relate to your house and the downward slide..same here. I love the name of your blog.."biggest refrigerator"..very cool and I have a Wacom tablet that is on the shelf at present.
