Monday, October 12, 2009

"The Board of Directors" ~ Watercolor ~ by Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

"The Board of Directors"

9 x 12 inches Watercolor
Strathmore Bristol Smooth 100 lb.
Watercolor and collage and charcoal

Liz Hill:
I've been busy gathering supplies for the
3 day Liz Hill workshop. I know I'm taking too much "stuff" but when the supply list has watercolor, gouache, acrylic and collage paper, isn't that just about your whole studio? We will be working on hot press watercolor paper. Liz from the Woodlands, is one of the Daily Painters of Texas and that is where I first saw her work and love what she does with line and wash.
Alex Powers:
Liz said in an email that she liked Alex Powers work and his book, "Painting People in Watercolor" so I've revisited the book and have gotten weary of packing and had to try out some charcoal line drawing (6B soft) on a Strathmore Bristol tablet I had. (Alex uses Strathmore 2 ply in the book.) His take (probably) on my attempt "Read the book again". He will be in the area in 2011 and I plan to take his workshop then.
The Model:
We will have a model each day and I thought I might need a little warm up to keep the anxiety to a minimum level. In the small piece above, I added some collage pieces of a metroplex map from the newspaper, a stamp, a piece of gold paper, a hand decorated paper and some text, then I can't leave the gold pen alone. I should be spending time on improving my drawing skills. I hate to be drawing figures in a group from a live model. I'll try to stay in the back and cover my work when anyone gets near. And I'm really not comfortable when the model takes a break and walks around to view how I've drawn her.. and then trying to explain that unflattering something ..hummm, well, I ... I haven't drawn in a while or I need to warm up more...I wonder if she'll believe those old lines.
Visit again to see the work from the workshop and I think you'd enjoy a visit to Liz's blog and an exhibit.

Liz's Blog:

Liz has an exhibit at the Archway Gallery now..

Please visit my website and comment on my blog.
Find me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

BLOG.............Nancy Standlee Art Blog

WEB SITE ........Nancy Standlee

WEB SITE ........Canvas By Canvas

Other blogs where I post:

Daily Painters of Texas

Daily Abstract Painters Gallery

Daily Painters Marketplace




  1. Hi Nancy,
    I think I found Liz Hill through your her work. Lucky you to take a workshop with her!! This is a fun piece you did for your warm up. Try modified contour drawing (don't lift the pen or pencil much and backtrack over the line to get to a new place) You will be surprised how fast your drawing improves. Check out any Charles Reid book. It is how he draws. It will suit your style. You don't need to hide your drawing. You have more creativity in your little finger than most people have in their whole body.

  2. Hello, Myrna and thanks for the nice comments. I have lots of Charles Reid's books and read and practice, but never enough. I do love the way he draws and will enjoy seeing Liz's demos. She already said I could not hide as she walks around and looks. Wish you were in TX to go with me.
