Sunday, October 25, 2009

Liz Hill Workshop Day 2 and 3 ~ Texas Daily Painter Nancy Standlee

Patricia with Hat
Watercolor, collage, charcoal on hot press 15 x 22 in

See my previous blog post about the Liz Hill workshop and the 3 days I spent in the Houston class where we were encouraged to add anything that will make your figure pieces more exciting. In the upper left corner this piece has some newspaper collage and peeling back of the layers and the hat is collage paper made in a previous workshop.
Patricia (seated)
Watercolor on hot press 15 x 30
One technique we tried on Saturday was to make some large loose shapes before drawing the model. First thing was to paint and get the paper prepared so it could dry and we used charcoal and were instructed to draw with a continuous line which is sometimes difficult and we'd forget. The above 1/2 sheet hot press paper was my attempt. This was an exercise to get us out of the habit of drawing and then painting within the lines as in a coloring book fashion.
In the slide show there are several photos of some of the student's work and just mouse over them for the captions. This was an exciting workshop and I learned several new techniques besides needing more drawing instruction and my concern was - it wasn't long enough. I want to go back so Liz, send me an email when your next 3 day workshop will be as I loved this one.


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