Thursday, July 8, 2010

Frida Kahlo ~ Art Journal Page by Texas Daily Artist Nancy Standlee

Frida Kahlo journal page start

I will add some print/lettering and more information later but I wanted to post this recent collage to show one of the things that will be covered in the workshop. This is an altered photo collage with some painting/glazing with liquid acrylics at the art journaling workshop at Dena's Ranch that is soon, soon. I finished this yesterday so you see I'm working down to the wire. As I'm looking through old journals and reading entries, I've found a theme in my journals, "Lose weight/walk and clean/straighten house." I promise not to mention either in the workshop.
I loved the Frida movie in 2002, and I had to buy the music from the movie CD, and when I traveled to Mexico for a workshop, I found a wonderful beach wrap/shawl where her face completely covered the background and a plastic tote bag with her image with a monkey. (All which I had to put in my travel journal.) I found an unusual handmade Frida necklace that I wanted on the last morning at the market there but felt like it was too expensive and I've regretted it ever since. I've ordered and received this EBay one and I'm very pleased with it and I can wear it when I'm feeling "very Frida".
One of her quotes I like is "
I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration." That's the way journaling is. Paint what is in your head and your life and not what everyone else is doing.
Sketchbook Project:
This is a little surprise for the workshop group. I've signed up for the Sketchbook project 2011 and I hope each person will agree to add a page or two. I'm waiting for the sketchbook to arrive. I chose the theme "Storybook".. wonder if an ex elementary librarian was thinking of her favorite phrase "Once upon a time?"
No, I've never entered before and don't know a whole lot about it but I have a little motto.."what if, why not" so let's go for it. I've also paid to have it digitized so we should be able to view it online after it's mailed back. All of you coming to Dena's be thinking about a short personal story to share and illustrate in this book or maybe something that happens when you are there. We'll figure it out together.
Door Prizes:

Do you not LOVE door prizes? Oh, I do and they can be an eraser or a pencil but I love a freebie. Thanks to Creative Catalyst art DVD's, Blick Art Materials, and Strathmore Visual Journals, I'm bringing some door prizes. You're gonna love 'em. Thanks for sharing with my class, you generous companies.

Please visit my web site and comment on my blog:

BLOG.............Nancy Standlee Art Blog

WEB SITE ........Nancy Standlee

WEB SITE ........Canvas By Canvas



For workshop info: or
call 830 825-3465.


  1. Hi Nancy! Great post. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your workshop. I know fun will be had by all! Thanks so much for sharing the Sketchbook Project and the encouragement of what if, why not! I just order my book and I chose the theme "It will be fun, I swear"

    I am so excited! :)

  2. Cheryl, you will be missed but I am so very happy you have decided to enter the sketchbook project so I can see your entries. Share them on your blog or FBook, please.

  3. OOOOOh Girl, you are such a tease! FREEBIES? Way cool!! Like Cheryl, I wish I could be present, but I'll be there in spirit. And, I've ordered my sketchbook, too! My theme is "It must be ....."

  4. Connie, I wish you could be there also. One of these days when you get "old" you can retire. Can't wait to see what you do with the sketchbook project. Sounds like fun to me.

  5. This is huge... and I love that you are doing it.

  6. Thanks Laurie and if you are referring to the sketchbook project my sketchbook has just arrived in the mail. woo-hoo as I was told it could be several weeks and might not make it to the workshop so we will have it for all the members to work in..what a treat that will be. Thanks for the visit..
    And to CM... so glad you are getting to attend.
