Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Granbury Mixed Floral" by Texas Contemporary Painter Nancy Standlee

"Mixed Floral - Granbury"Link10" sq. Acrylic on Gessoed watercolor paper

This has been difficult to photograph because I added gold paint in the vase - love that bling. This was another floral (see post HERE) that I painted during the Robert Burridge workshop in Granbury recently.

My friend Carol Nelson will be conducting a 4 day workshop in Granbury May 23-26, 2011. It is full. I flew to Denver to study with Carol in March 2010. One of the pieces that was inspired from that workshop won an honorable mention. Carol describes her workshop like this:

In this workshop, we will explore creating abstract compositions on a variety of supports using numerous acrylic mediums, metals, and collage materials. Participants will make texture samplers, learn about the fundamentals of abstract composition, types of supports, methods of attachment, tyvek preparation, epoxy resin application, and presentation options for a finished piece.

I've signed up for a Sante Fe Workshop with Niki Gulley in August and I have been thinking about water-soluble oils and have been reading about them - again. The workshop will be a painting and photography class with landscape plein air painting from different picturesque settings daily with demos and critiques (a little time for sightseeing and shopping.) Niki is from Dallas and has 20 years painting experience and 10 years teaching. Her husband is the photographer for the other choice in the workshop. I'm a studio painter but I thought I "might" try some plein air this summer and is there a more interesting site than Santa Fe? I will probably paint with my acrylics but have been reading about water soluble oils but I've never painted with oils - water soluble or not. I have two excellent books on the subject, "Water-soluble Oils" by Sean Dye and "No Experience Required: Water Soluble Oils" by Mary Deutschman. I somehow lost my Dye one and have spent many frantic hours looking for it and finally found it in a too ridiculous place and I won't even say where.
This has caused me to think about the need for a signaling device to be implanted in all things we purchase from iPhones, socks, books, DVD's for those of us who are organizationally challenged. When an item is lost, you call this central number and enter a description of the item, the phone will emit a tracer signal that causes the lost item to emit a piercing alarm or a gentle voice with maybe "Please come find me. I'm in your top dresser drawer hiding under the white sock". (In my case, it would have said..hey, you dummy, look on your bed at that stack of books you're reading.) Fortunately, I won't have to make that decision (oil or acrylic) today. Like Scarlet I'll think about it tomorrow. Today I need to start "searching" for all things to use in the Carol Nelson workshop. I do hope I find them or I may be the one emitting a piercing scream.







  1. Nancy, you make me laugh. As one "organizationally challenged" person to another, I feel your pain! Meanwhile, I love the floral. Good stuff!

  2. Thanks, Connie.. but you have a reason for your have more places to lose it. With my little square footage I should be able to find stuff a lot easier!! ..but I know we've all been there.

  3. Nancy, you write the GREATEST workshop reviews. Reading them is the next best thing to being there. Can't wait until I read your narrative about my workshop!

  4. I keep running into Mr. Burridge's name in association with artists whose work I really like (yours is definitely included on that list)! Love the workshop info and I'm happy for your friend's success. Thanks for a gorgeous new painting too!

  5. Beautiful Nancy!!! And I agree with Connie - you make me laugh! Now that I have my studio space in my house (which is two rooms and still too small) I've had much better luck finding things - mainly because no one is allowed to touch my stuff, and by no one I mean my husband. I have my own set of tools, bandaids, all sorts of things on top of my art stuff. It's the only way I can stay sane. Keep up the fantastic work! You are an inspiration to me.

  6. Thanks, Carol, I'm searching for my supplies or at least I wrote it in my planner for most of this where is that modeling paste? Can't wait to mix up the mixed media with you and the ladies of Granbury.

  7. Lisa, thanks for the comments and I have no one else to blame. It's all me.. I wrote down this morning the first audible thing out of my mouth "Well, I can't image what happened to... this morning it was my Cheap Joe's coaster for my coffee..but quickly found it.

  8. Hi, Serri, I'm sooo glad I'm on the list. Will meet up with Bob again in August so check back for more paintings - maybe even a Burridge tree.....(very hard for me)

  9. Oh, giggle...I "lost" a book in a stack of "to read" books in my studio. I swear I looked at that stack twice and didn't see the book until I went to grab something else! I used to do a lot of plein air painting in Santa Fe...I lived up in Los Alamos for years and thought the landscape just sat around posing for artists.Have fun!

  10. Paintdiva, you made my day when you confess you've done it also.. I know I'll enjoy my 2nd visit to Santa Fe.

  11. lol...Nancy...I seem to find more things than I even realized I had or even knew were missing. Finding these things is kinda like shopping all over this time :)
    Love all the beautiful acrylic paintings you've been doing.
    Sure hope you haven't stopped creating your lovely Paper Paintings though.

  12. No, WW, haven't stopped..just have to "find" my in fact going to Derek Gores on Tues for a two day portrait..again!!
