Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Larisa Aukon Workshop, Architectural Plein Air, Sedona, Day 1, October 29, 2012 by Nancy Standlee Texas Artist

 Sedona Heritage Museum 12134
6x8 oil study 

See the previous post of my studio painting on Friday from the Larisa Aukon workshop at the Sedona Art Center but I'll back tract a little as I arrived on Saturday, October 27 and the FIRST thing I did (before the motel unload) was find the Sedona Arts Supply to get the needed odorless turp and I tried not to buy anything else but by the register was a Gamblin oil paint "Sedona Red" that I had to add to my order. For the non oil painters who read this, oil painters need a medium to add to the paints and it is NOT allowed on airplanes so if the facility doesn't provide the first stop at the workshop destination is to buy some odorless mineral spirits.
I stayed at the Days Inn Kokopelli Inn in Oak Creek Village and it had spectacular views each day's drive into Sedona about 6 miles away; however it was slow going as you have about 15 roundabouts to slow down, yield or take a first, 2nd or 3rd exit. Sugar Foot, my GPS, was always right on the money and even after I could find my way I'd turn her on to listen to her say "in .4 miles approaching roundabout and take the 2nd exit". On the way to the Art Center there were spectacular views of Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock and the Chapel of the Holy Cross.
On the first day of class we met from 10-5 and the rest of the time 9-4. It was very cool in the mornings around 38 degrees but it warmed up quickly so we never needed a heavy coat. 
That first morning in the studio Larisa explained our week's events and said rule number one was find shade to stand in when we painted plein air and that she didn't like dealing with umbrellas. Larisa warned us about a big problem in workshops was "expectations" and just forget about painting a decent painting, relax, listen to the teacher and consider this week's work as exercises. These will be sketches to refer to later to see how we've progressed. Friday would be studio and calm down time and she recommended a 16x20 to work on. Since I didn't have a wet panel carrier for that size I chose to do a 12x16. Her "Golden Rule" is don't mess with the quick sketch piece back in the studio as it will lose it's outdoor freshness. She is after a "fresh air look". Use it as a study. A photo gives a reference, not life. The plein air study gives life. After a hurried lunch at the Sedona Memories Cafe, my new friend, Nance and I set up at the Sedona Heritage Museum as Larisa likes the porch there. A good choice for first day jitters because there were not very many visitors around and none of us wanted a stranger critique on our first day. We painted small studies of 6x8 inches.
 Larisa giving us some encouragement.
The Museum Porch below
 Larisa's quick colors demo/study. She said these were not finished paintings but we were to put down initial colors as a study of light, shadow, reflected light, and simplification.

After a morning slide show, lunch and the short trip to the museum, Monday's goals were to look for Light, Shadow, and Reflection (and always a goal is to simplify the image and that was the goal for all week.) Larisa gave a demo at the museum at 1:00, we painted quickly as it closed at 3, then back to the studio at the arts center for critique and discussion for Tuesday's day trip to Jerome, an old mining town. (Watch for the next post about the mining town trip and plein air painting.)

Oh, yes, today (on Monday, 29th) I celebrated my 77th birthday and what a great place to celebrate - in a workshop painting with new friends. 


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