Friday, May 24, 2013

A Journaling Day with Family and a One Day Love Your Life Art Journaling Workshop by Texas Artist Nancy Standlee

Pages 20, 21 from my art journal Strathmore watercolor 90 lb. 9x12. On page 20 it was a Mother's Day to remember eating at Joe T Garcias in Fort Worth with family and I cut out their initials and added some personal notes. On page 21,  books ordered, food eaten and I've been following Leslie Saeta's blog about Marketing your art and then making those notes in my journal.
Page 24, 25 trying to walk some, a big collage project was delivered and there will be a separate post about this later. My first meeting with the client was June 21, 2012. A second try on a water fountain at Veteran's Park on a sketch out with friends, note made about a great movie (DVD) Silver Linings Playbook  and this is a must see movie and planning for Thursday for the family workshop.

 Pages 26, 27 gives some new apps Leslie recommends, a good healthy brunch, and my friend gave me a desktop calendar page about "you might be a redneck if none of your houseplants are intentional" and sorry to say I have some of those growing through my yellow kitchen blinds. When do I have time to do yard work? or when do I want to is a better question, and more marketing tips about your Facebook fan page and while I'm thinking about my fan page IF you haven't liked my page I invite you to like it at 
Now for the good page about yesterday that was so special. Cindy in the blue blouse below has had a birthday and had expressed an interest in watercolor journaling. I volunteered to teach a one day workshop for her at my daughter, Dana's home and two of the grands were there, Meaghen and Courtney. I brought them gifts of journals, water brushes and travel sets. I also brought loads of my journals to share to give them more ideas. On my page 27 I posted the cup I like to use to kick off my workshops and they made their first entry. I'd stopped at Sam's Club on the way and loaded up with a roasted chicken, Rainbow tortellini, fresh mozzarella balls, strawberries and grapes plus some sliced cake for dessert. We just had a great girly lunch, hanging out and having fun. I made some little notes of comments said during the day like Cindy "Where did you find strawberries the size of Texas?" Dana can now be called an official artist as she quickly dipped her brush in her tea instead of her water. I showed Courtney some old sketches from 2002 that she had drawn in my journal and she said, "Grannie, this figure has noddle legs." Meaghen said "Mom, I haven't seen you sit this long in forever." Even 10 year old Grace got in the mix when she got home from school. She got her a Dr. Pepper, found her journal and drew her can. I failed to get a photo.

My precious class after our lunch. Courtney was introduced to Dick Blick and Cheap Joe catalogs and I told them about the Facebook group they might like to join Artist's Journal Workshop.

Cindy's Page

Courtney's Page

Dana's page

Meaghen's page

Cindy is a natural. She was concerned about her drawing. I told her to forget it. A pianist doesn't play well the first time at the piano but after years of practice and so it is with drawing. You learn to draw by drawing. Cindy, we all enjoyed your birthday and hope you enter a year full of memories in your new journal. All the above girls are great garage sale junkies and I know they will come up with some great finds to add to their journaling supplies.

Here is a link to my one day watercolor journaling "Love Your Life" workshop in Dallas at the Dutch Art Gallery. 
If you are a beginner in watercolor journaling this class will introduce you to some materials and methods to record some moments from your day. No drawing experience is necessary. 

Original fine art and affordable prints can be found at:
Follow me on Pinterest:
Order personalized checks, side tear checks, checkbook covers and address labels with a choice of 20 of my paintings on them.


Texas Daily Painter, Artist Journal, Watercolor Art Journals, Acrylic Figurative Painting, Artists of Texas, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Contemporary Fine Arts International, Pinterest, Canvas by Canvas, Leslie Saeta Marketing Class,  Check Advantage, Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Love Your Life Watercolor Journaling,


  1. Hello Nancy,
    Just wanted to stop by to say hello and to tell you that I truly enjoy visiting your blog. Your artwork is beautiful.

    Sure wished you lived closer, as I would love to take one of your mixed media workshops. Those shoes are wonderful.

    I am your newest follower. If you would like to stop by and say hello and follow me back, that would be wonderful.

    Have a Great Weekend.


    P.S. Have you ever considered offering that workshop online?

  2. Nancy I like your Flowers the best. The problem I have with Dreama's paintings is that she never changes her color palette. Those pinks and that blue get to be too much after awhile. I would thin she would get sick of it.She needs to take a workshop from Bob!LOL

  3. Joan I haven't thought of offering a course online but it's something to consider. Eva you may have left your comment on the wrong post but thanks and glad you like my painting. Dreama is selling her paintings as fast as she paints them and you can't argue with success.
