Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dreams of the Turtle King Is Now Available as Paperback and Kindle by Denise Bossarte and Nancy Standlee

Early Risers 13082
An illustration from the book, Dreams of the Turtle King

Does this beach walker look totally inappropriate to you temperature wise? I hope it's warmer where you are than it is in Texas where I am. Outside it is 21 degrees about 10:00 AM with predicted light snow on top of ice and sleet. Our Fort Worth/Dallas area is in a holding pattern but good news my power is on and I can write about "our" book being ready on Amazon. Several months ago Denise, from Houston, (we've never met) emailed me about illustrating some Florida beach poetry she had written. As artists, we see a lot of scams and art opportunities on the internet and I was a little dubious at first but after several emails I decided this lady was on the up and up and we've conducted all our business over the internet. 
It has been a pleasure working with Denise and truly we were both a little new to the process about pricing and royalty payments and we have muddled our way through it and are still friends. We hope to meet in February and have a book signing. At present she is ordering me books to give to my family for Christmas and she will autograph them and then mail them to me. How cool is that? A side story about you know the one about the check is in the mail? Well, Wednesday evening I knew the weather forecast was bad so I decided I'd put her check in my mail box wrapped in a piece of waxed paper to protect it. (An old lady thing to do I guess). Now it is still in there but the door to the mailbox is frozen shut, the mailman has disappeared and unless he has an ice pick with him the check won't go out until the spring thaw. My neighbor  called me yesterday and his mail box lid would open because as he said "he'd whacked it with the brass bottom end of his cane". So I used his mailbox for yesterday's mail but I'm afraid to even venture out today so Denise the check is truly in the mail and it may be for awhile. Stay warm friends.
I invite you to check out our book on Amazon and maybe order a paperback or get a Kindle edition for someone for a Christmas surprise. Forget about the cold, cold weather and enjoy some beach poetry while you sit by a nice warm fire.    Dreams of the Turtle King on Amazon

(If you order the book and like it would you please leave a review on Amazon. Our book doesn't have any reviews..sigh... I may have to leave one.)

Dear friends,

We have made it!

Nancy and I are very pleased to announce that our  book "Dreams of the Turtle King" is now available on

It is available as a paperback for ~$12 a book.
It is also available as a kindle book for $1.99.

These are both full color editions.
If you are an Prime member, you may borrow the Kindle version for free, as well.

Right now the machinery has not connected these items together so that you can find both on one page. If you search for the title, you will find both versions and can then select which one you want to purchase.

Thank you so much for your support and happy reading!!

If you have an older kindle that is in black and white rather than color, you can download either the following programs from Amazon for FREE to read the book on your PC or smartphone.

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