Monday, October 6, 2014

More paintings in Watercolor and a Recent Richard Stephens Watercolor Workshop by Texas Artist Nancy Standlee

Showcase Flowers 14058
15x9" on 140 cp paper
no frame, or mat

I spent 3 days last week, October 1-3, 2014, in Dallas taking a Richard Stephens watercolor workshop at the Artist Showplace, called "Lighten Up, Loosen Up". The above painting was painted after watching Richard paint his demo flowers on day 2. I became aware of his work when I was at the Kanuga workshop in the spring. Our first day was a barn demo but mine will be a painting that I will eventually paint something on the back and leave my barn painting to another day. This painting will be mailed without a mat or frame or glass. 

Dallas Flowers 14059
8x6" watercolor on Rtistx board is an archival board, 6x8” manufactured in the United States and Texas, light weight, and can be presented without mat or glass. I am applying a coat of Renaissance wax for protection and this small, lightweight can be placed on a tabletop easel for display. I ordered my wax from Amazon but the link below tells more about it.

Two items that I will have to purchase now after the workshop:

Cheap Joe's dagger liner brushes
and the workbook from Betty Edwards: Drawing on the Right side of the Brain Workbook available on Amazon.

Texas Daily Painter, watercolor painting, floral, still life, Nancy Standlee Fine Art, Daily Paintworks, Pinterest, Canvas by Canvas, Check Advantage, sold paintings, Richard Stephens workshop, Rtistx boards, Renaissance Wax,

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