17" x 23" watercolor with acrylic and collage
I drew this last Tuesday at a drawing session with Michael Mentler at the Society of Figurative Arts in Carrollton. Do I feel way out of my league? Oh, yes. Google Michael Mentler and images and you'll see why. His sketchbooks are fabulous. The morning session was portraits (a young man posed) and the afternoon was an undraped figure. He will have an intensive weekend class sometime after the first of the year but until then it has inspired me to get out my Bridgman and other drawing books. How I need to draw some each day from the book examples. O.K. so we need to exercise a little, draw a little, paint a little, cook a little, sleep a little... there is just not enough time in the day to do all of this. I don't know how I ever found time to work.
"Sophie" may not be finished yet. Once you get your painting on the computer screen you see some areas that need some work. Also, an experienced painter that I respect suggested I break up some of the thigh area with some collage and I may do that.
During the afternoon, I kept drawing these little figures in the middle of my sketchbook page and I could hear Liz Hill saying "Fill that page up with the figure. Make it touch the edge." So I got out my biggest Strathmore Watercolor pad, held my breath and drew directly on the paper and then did the painting at home using watercolor, acrylic, Daniel Smith gold gesso and lots of hand printed collage paper.
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Daily Painters of Texas
Daily Abstract Painters Gallery
Daily Painters Marketplace
Contact: NancyStandlee@sbcglobal.net
You know...there is just something about Sophie. I REALLY like her. She is a happy gal....a floozie-like imp with a carefree attitude! Go Sophie. She's swell!
Thanks Ginny..glad you like her. She still may undergo some changes.
Oh my Nancy, you have inspired me again! Your figure paintings are wonderful! I agree there's not enough time in the day to do everything, but you manage to do more than any one I know. Maybe I spend too much time making excuses! What ever you do please continue to make time for these great blog posts.
Eva, how can I not continue with such great comments. Thank you.
No offense to MM, but I like your painting of Sophie WAY BETTER!! I like the colors, the positioning, the curly red hair, her expression...I really like it a lot.
Thanks, Donna. I appreciate your comments. Saw on your blog about your father and my best Christmas hugs to your family.
Hi Nancy, I like your Sophie; very colorful and expressive! You do wonderful figures.
I just saw your three submissions to Artist Network for the "play it again" challenge. Great paintings and congrats for winning!
Fabulous figures....love the freedom of your work, its whimsy,and surprise. Brava!
Thanks, Joanie. I love your journaling sketchbooks. I enjoy keeping a travel journal.
I love this, Nancy!! I agree with Ginny about the floozie, laissez-faire attitude jumping off the page! What a character! I don't know who your expert is, and I'm certainly not, but I like the leg like it is. I'm sure there's some reason, but seems like an important path in the painting. You're REALLY good at this stuff!!
Hi, Cheryl. I'm glad you like this and it is an opportunity to use it all and I'm enjoying using some of the collage papers I've made in workshops. Nice to see you and meet your husband last Sunday.
Peggy, just found your nice comment in my spam folder. Thanks for taking the time to write. I need to blog about this honor as I won books and some free dvd watching so it pays to enter.
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