"Her Wings Were Never Seen"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas
30 x 24 in.
This painting is one of my entries for the Preservation is the Art of the City Show September 11-26 at the Community Arts Center. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Fifty local artists are selected to participate by a jury and a portion of sales will help fund preservation programming for Historic Fort Worth. I am working on 9 entries for this show and the above is the largest.
Winsor & Newton New Acrylics
W & N has developed a new line of acrylics that does not color shift from wet to dry. They are using a translucent binder when wet and it dries clear. The paints remain workable 20% longer than the Finity brand and they are not in the U.S. yet but watch for them. While you're on that home page be sure and click on the red paint spot near the bottom to enter a painting in their competition. You might win some art supplies. No jury here just other artists voting for their favorite painting. At the present my entry is on this page but click to see her because her head is cut off a little bit. This phase closes Sept. 30 and then you can enter again. The best view of the painting is click below on the You Can Vote for them here! link.
After you enter you will receive some code to place on your blog or web site such as this below. Vote for me or enter your own work or do both. Let me know if you enter and I'll vote for you.
Nancy's entry on the Winsor Newton Artists' Acrylic Competition. You can vote for them here!
Nancy Standlee
a Texas Daily Painter &
member of Canvas by Canvas
Texas Collaborative Artists
Web Site Nancy Standlee
Web Site Canvas by Canvas
Web Site Artists of Texas.org
Blog Nancy Standlee Art
Blog Daily Painters of Texas
Blog Daily Painters Abstract
Blog Daily Painters Marketplace
Blog Artist Food Network
Blog Canvas by Canvas
Email for more info: NancyStandlee@sbcglobal.net
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