Gold Leaf Floral
(This wasn't painted as a floral but it reminds me of a floral.)
10 x 10" Illustration board
This is one of my favorite pieces I did while at the workshop and will probably try some others later. It is very difficult for me to get a good photo of anything with gold in it without it getting a bad glare. In the painting below I lifted up the edge so the painting is not square and the acrylic gloss medium made it shiny.
10 x 10 in. Acrylic on illustration board with tissue paper collage
This is a great technique and Lana had some stunning pieces on a large piece of Strathmore. I didn't get to the workshop with my large piece but I used this 10" to learn the technique. This has lots of gel and gesso from a squeeze bottle for the lines.
About the Lana Grow workshop:
Two friends, Pat and Marie, told me about the workshop in Granbury, TX. October 19-23, 2009, and I'm so glad I made the effort to go and it was an effort as I came home from the Liz Hill workshop on Sunday evening, unloaded and loaded and drove over early Monday morning. Lana, A.W.S. is an excellent teacher and gives the kind of workshop she says she would want to take and I would recommend this one to anyone who wants to pursue some experimental abstract using acrylic paints. She won me over when she handed out a 3 ring binder of approximately 50 pages filled with wonderful notes about the techniques we'd be covering this week. She and her husband Norm, drove down from Minnesota so she brought lots of work to show us and all kinds of supplies to share.
In many workshops on the last day about 10:00 A.M. the instructor starts packing up and many do not have a demo that day. I could tell you some stories about some of the experiences. This class began on time at 9:00 A. M. and it was push, push all week and because she knew some would need to leave early on Friday and she wanted us to get our "money's worth" she had us all arrive at 8:00 A. M. Friday the last day of the class. Lana was always upbeat and sharing of all of her techniques and if you want to learn about acrylic or abstracts try to take one of her workshops.
Slide show and mouse over for captions:
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Daily Abstract Painters Gallery
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Contact: NancyStandlee@sbcglobal.net