"Ancient City Myths"
10 x 10 in. Mixed Media Abstract
on canvas with cardboard, rice paper, and stencil work
I'm finishing up the pieces for homework in the online Texture Town class I've been taking and I may have one other to post after this. I don't ever use a piece of corrugated paper without thinking of a Carrie Burns Brown workshop in Austin when we removed all the light bulb paper coverings for our collage after we found the extra bulb closet. I can still see Carrie in the kitchen explaining how to make use of coffee filters and coffee in your collage. Now you really have to look for some good cardboard rib sizes and shapes. In this one I used pieces from a garage box, one of the light bulb covers and a Starbucks cup cover. 
"De Leon Girls"
Connie, Selah, Pat, Nancy, Andy
See Connie on the end - She and Andy are sisters but no one wanted to stand by Connie because she's the youngest!! I'm the oldest and the others fall in between and in the same class. Charles Morgan was there but we wouldn't let him in the photo since this was a girl shot.
So you don't think we look like girls anymore? Everyone within earshot when I asked for the "De Leon girls" photo knew exactly what I meant. We all grew up in a small Texas town, De Leon, approximately 2200 population and had a reunion yesterday celebrating Andy's new working Kickapoo Creek Jewelry Design Studio. The clever invitation read "Cocktails with the Buffaloes" and we spent an enjoyable fall afternoon with beverages and a buffet touring her new studio overlooking the lake and enjoying the wandering buffalo. Thanks Larry and Andy for the tour and the chance to share in your life in Brownsboro. Andy is getting ready for a show in a Oklahoma City Gallery, JRB Art Gallery, December 4 and 5th. She is preparing 40 pieces for the show and even after touring and giving Christmas hints by the De Leon girls I think all the pieces we saw will go to the gallery. Andy has a fashion flair, a green Jag, a new studio, and a herd of buffalo for inspiration and will share her jewelry expertise in a Mexico workshop in Puerto Vallarta at the Hacienda Mosaico with Worldly Wires March 14-19, 2011. I don't know anything about jewelry except I love to wear it but I could see me taking this one and being an "assistant" then on to the Flying Colors in San Migel with Robert Burridge and follow up with a review in a Carrie Burns Brown workshop. I've been to PV and Acapulco with Johanna before and it's a great experience.Andy and I have a long history. We both lived "out on the Comanche highway" in De Leon. Our mothers had beautiful gray hair, belonged to the same Baptist Church Sunday School Class and would sometimes be mistaken for the other when visiting nearby towns, such as Dublin, Comanche or Brownwood. Our Daddies were armadillo chasing, lawn and garden obsessed community leaders. (I have a great Boss Johnson and Otis Baber armadillo story that my father, Boss, played on Otis but I need to paint an armadillo to illustrate it.) Andy and I have followed each others lives because of this connection, our college years in Denton, and our love of art. Congratulations on the new studio and the JRB Art Gallery show, Andy.
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Contact NancyStandlee@sbcglobal.net