22 x 10 1/2 " Acrylic on 140 lb. watercolor paper, unframed
This was painted earlier in the year but she looked a little Christmasy to me so I decided to post this angel since most of my week has been filled with doctor appointments after our very busy Holiday Magic weekend. I love to write down people's conversations that I overhear and now with cell phones it is so easy. A cowboy looking older gentlemen sat down with a seat between us in one physician's office yesterday. He looked nice in his cowboy boots and Stetson and he was bored and began calling his friends. I could deduct the conversation from the other end when the cowboy answered "Oh, I'm here in the doctor's waiting room. My appointment is not until 10:30 (it was about 9:45 a.m. my appointment time) BUT I'd rather be two hours early than one minute late." I liked the way he turned a phrase so I grabbed my paper and pencil and wrote it down. I'd rather be two hours early than one minute late. I think that's pretty good advice but it doesn't happen very often on the Doctor's watch. He was called in at 10:15 but I wasn't too much later.
I'd taken my new book by Charles Sovek "The Basics: 36 Ways to Pickup a Brush and Start Painting Pictures" and he stated draw, draw, draw and he suggested a Pilot fine point pen. I drew a few patients but would always get caught looking at someone so I went back to reading. I noticed the muffled voices of people talking and a myriad of cell phone tones and songs playing around the room. Our cell phones and our bottled water have really changed the way we behave. We can't leave home without either one.
On my previous post I mentioned how much fun I've had with the Elf Yourself greeting and you can check out my special Christmas greeting. I love all the emails about the singing reindeer and crazy snowmen being attacked by hairdryers. Now I've found one for the Bah! Humbugs! if you like to play the grouch. You can turn yourself into a crotchety old curmudgeon at this site. I choose to be a happy little elf but be my guest and click HERE if you prefer the humbugs!
On the way to Dallas today for another appointment, I heard Mary Did You Know by Kenny Rogers and Wynonna Judd. I always feel like Christmas is near after hearing that song and it's one of my favorites. Bad news and good news for tomorrow. They forgot to tell me I needed to be fasting for blood work so that portion of the tests will have to be done later and I'll try again tomorrow. Good news in Texas that's it's supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny and I can listen to these stations that are playing continuous Christmas music. I talked with my brother today and we were laughing about it snowing in Midland on Thanksgiving and he said they hadn't so much as had a good frost or a freeze when they had their snow. In Texas the weather is a little like the box of chocolates "You never know what you're going to get". As for me, I'd love spend the winter with 80 degree days and maybe find more time to paint. However, I'm trying to get better organized in my house so I can start the New Year with being able find my stuff. I find that something is always lost around here and I'm forever looking for something. I hope it 's not related to age but just that I have an abundance of art supplies to keep track of with not enough room for proper storage.
May you enjoy this holiday season and find all your lost items.
sorry, to hear about all the medical visits. Hope all is well. It is in the 30's here. I have been organizing all my art supplies. I am going to be doing a painting a day. The more I organize the better my work becomes. I am in a one room apartment.
(((Circle of Holiday hugs)))
I love your star angel, NS
Interesting blog. I always enjoy what you write about.
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